FluentD to SigNoz
If you use FluentD to collect logs in your stack, this tutorial will help you send logs from FluentD to SigNoz.
SigNoz uses the OpenTelemetry collector to receive logs, which supports the fluentforward
protocol. You can forward your logs from your FluentD agent to the OpenTelemetry collector.
Collect Logs Using FluentD in SigNoz Cloud
Add OpenTelemetry Collector Binary Follow this guide to add the OpenTelemetry collector binary to your VM.
Configure FluentForward Receiver Add the following to your
:receivers: fluentforward: endpoint:
You can change the port if needed. Learn more about the
receiver here.Modify the Service Section Update your
:service: ... logs: receivers: [otlp, fluentforward] processors: [batch] exporters: [otlp]
Update FluentD Configuration Add the following to your FluentD configuration to forward logs to the OpenTelemetry collector:
<match <directive>> @type forward send_timeout 60s recover_wait 10s hard_timeout 60s <server> name myserver1 host localhost port 24224 </server> </match>
with your directive name. If FluentD is not running on the host, adjust thehost
value accordingly.Restart Services Restart FluentD and the OpenTelemetry collector binary. Logs should now appear in SigNoz.
Transform Logs to OpenTelemetry Model Use processors in OpenTelemetry to transform logs. Example:
processors: logstransform: operators: - type: trace_parser trace_id: parse_from: attributes.trace_id span_id: parse_from: attributes.span_id - type: remove field: attributes.trace_id - type: remove field: attributes.span_id